Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the shipping rates?

Shipping rates for each order are €4.95 .

What are the shipping times?

Shipping times depend on the delivery location, however, in general, our customers receive their orders within 48 to 72 hours . We work with our delivery partner, DPD, Fedex , to ensure fast and reliable delivery times.

What are the payment guarantees?

We assure you that the security of your transactions is a major priority for us.

To guarantee this security, we have chosen to use renowned payment platforms such as Stripe and PayPal . These providers are known for their high standards when it comes to online transaction security.

In the event of a problem or incident, our customer service is available to assist you. We also offer refund or correction options in the event of a transaction error.

Where are we located?

Our head office is based in France , in Saint-Malo .

Regarding our production process, our main factory is located in Séné (56860) .

Furthermore, in order to optimize delivery speed depending on your geographic location, we also have production factories spread across Europe . This strategy allows us to guarantee fast and efficient delivery times for all of our customers. We pride ourselves on our local presence and our ability to respond flexibly to the needs of our customers across Europe.

How to contact us ?

For any communication, you can contact us by email at the following address: .

In addition, you can use our contact form available on our website for a quick and efficient response to all your questions.

Access our form

  • Customer support available
    Monday to Friday:
    10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

I received my damaged package

At Drivarts we are committed to solving this problem quickly and efficiently. We offer you two options to remedy this situation:

  • A full refund.
  • A replacement of your order at no additional cost .

In order to initiate the resolution process, please contact us by email at the following address:

Our dedicated customer service team will mobilize immediately to process your request and ensure a solution as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.